Quizzes - Honorlock Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

What do I need to know before taking my exam?

Ensure your computer is charged and has a strong internet connection. You can check your system at honorlock.com/support. Make sure to use Google Chrome when you log in to take your test. We recommend students take their exam in a quiet private location to limit potential flags and distractions.

Why do I need a photo ID? What forms of ID are acceptable?

We verify the photo and name on your ID to ensure you are the correct test taker. You can use any government issued (i.e. driver license, passport) or a student ID that has your photo.

What if something goes wrong during my exam?

Don’t worry, Honorlock offers technical support 24/7 to assist students before, during, and after their proctored tests. If you need any assistance, contact our support agents by phone or live chat. The support line for students is - 844-243-2500

Why am I being prompted for an access code?

If you are being prompted for an access code you are most likely not in Google Chrome or you do not have the Honorlock Chrome Extension.

What is the Honorlock Chrome browser extension?

The Honorlock extension is a small program that modifies the Chrome web browser and not your computer. Nothing is installed on the computer. Students can remove the Honorlock Chrome extension as soon as their exam is submitted.

What equipment is needed?

You will need to have a working webcam, microphone, and either a laptop or desktop computer. Integrated or external USB will both work.

How is my privacy protected?

Honorlock is FERPA compliant and uses securely encrypted protocols to save and view all test taker assets. Honorlock's certified proctors and your institution's faculty are able to review test session videos until deleted based on the school's retention policy.

What about accessibility and students with special needs?

Honorlock is VPAT certified and fully accessible to students with special needs. Additionally, Honorlock works with screen readers if needed.

Does Honorlock determine who is cheating?

No. Honorlock simply reports back possible incidents. Ultimately, your instructor determines if cheating occurred by viewing the video recording.