In some situations, it may be necessary to force Intune agent on the managed device to contact Intune service in the cloud (check-in). This will ensure that all assigned configuration and compliance policies are re-applied and refreshed on the device.
In some situations, it may be necessary to force Intune agent on the managed device to contact Intune service in the cloud (check-in). This will ensure that all assigned configuration and compliance policies are re-applied and refreshed on the device. For example, your device may be showing as not compliant even though all Windows updates have been installed. To force Intune agent to check-in:
- Go to Windows Settings.
- Click on Accounts.
- Click on Access work or school.
- Click on Connected to VSADMIN AD domain (corporate) then on Info button.
- Scroll down and click on Sync button.
- Wait for the message that The sync was successful with a current date/time.

NOTE: If there is a message in red font that sync failed because there is an issue with user credentials, follow instructions on the screen to refresh your credentials.