eLearn Training


Need learning management system basic training? Here's what you need to know.


eLearn Essentials Training Course

This is a basic training on the learning management system, created by experienced online faculty members, and facilitated by Distributed Education in an online, self-paced format.

Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to use the tools in eLearn, Vol State's online learning environment to:

  1. Identify various eLearn tools and recall what they are used for,
  2. Demonstrate how to communicate with students,
  3. Manage instructional content,
  4. Assess student knowledge,
  5. Manage settings for dropbox folders, quizzes, discussion topics, and grade book,
  6. Recognize facts about accessibility and instructor responsibility, and
  7. Review available course tools, select one and plan to implement it to enrich the online teaching and learning experience.

Every instructor who teaches an online or hybrid course at Vol State is required to successfully complete the eLearn Essentials Training Course by the end of their first teaching semester. However, any faculty member wanting to learn the basics of eLearn are encouraged to sign up!

Contact Distributed Education to register.

Phone: (615) 230-3665
Email: eLearn@volstate.edu 



Article ID: 57834
Thu 7/19/18 6:06 PM
Thu 6/15/23 11:14 AM