Embedding Videos in eLearn
The best practice for adding videos to your class in eLearn is to embed them. You can embed videos in any tool that you have access to the text editor. Including Announcements, Discussions, Dropbox Assignments, Quizzes, and many feedback fields.
To add a video to the content area, begin by creating a page:
- Within a Content module of your choice, click the button “Upload/Create.”
- Select “Create a Page.”
- Enter a title for your page in the title field.
- Optional: use the "Select a Document Template" to apply the page template to match the rest of the course.
Next, provide context for your video and use the embed code to add it to the page:
- Type a short 1-5 sentence introduction. Explain what the students will be watching. Describe why you are having them watch the video. List any ideas or details that they should specifically look for. Whenever possible, be sure to give credit to the original source.
- Place the cursor on the page where you want the video to be embedded, and click the “Insert Stuff” icon on the menu.
- Scroll down and select the "Enter Embed Code" option.
- Paste the embed code for your video (see Finding YouTube Video Embed Codes below).
- Click the blue "Next" button.
- Click the blue "Insert" button.
- Use the blue button to save your work.
Finding YouTube Video Embed Codes
- Find the video on YouTube.
- Get the embed code
- Right-click on the video and select "copy embed code", or
- Click the "Share" button below the video, choose "Embed", click the "Copy" button in the lower right-hand corner.
- In the text editor in eLearn,
- Click "publish" when you have finished adding content to the page.
For My Media Videos
Here is an example of how to embed a video from My Media:
Notes About Videos
Videos need to have captions that are 99% accurate. Here are some additional resources to help you find or create captioned videos: