IT Professional Services

Find answers to questions related to TAF requests and other technology related services

Articles (3)

Pinned Article How do I request the account creation of a new employee or non-employee, modify an existing employee, or request a departmental non-person or email account?

Do you need to request an account for a newly hired employee? Do you have an employee that is taking on an additional position (such as an adjunct) or employees changing positions? Do you need a shared group email account?

CEU Non-Employee Account Request

Instructions for CEU Staff on how to request instructor accounts to be created for Non-Employees such as CEU or OSHA Instructors to allow for access to campus systems such as Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft Teams, eLearn, and Wireless Access.

How do I submit a TAF request?

Information on TAF requests for a variety of technological improvements that enhance instruction and directly benefit students.