In the event you are having audio issues, whether it is one-way audio, no audio or needing to set up a device to use with CIPC, you can follow these trouble shooting steps.
Step 1: Setting Up/Checking Windows Audio Device Configs
Click start and type control panel, this window below will pop up.
Click Hardware and Sound, then click Sound. The Sound window will open.
Find the audio device you intend to use with CIPC. Right click on the device, then click on "Set as Default Device". Then click "OK" or "Apply" to save the settings.
Step 2: Adjusting Audio Settings Within CIPC
Run Cisco IP Communicator and locate the Preferences button (circled in red).
Click on Audio Tuning Wizard.
Set all of these individual categories as Default Windows Audio Device.
At this point, you will most likely have to test these selections, go ahead and follow the prompts from the Audio Tuning Wizard. Then click Finish once you have completed the prompts. At this point, give yourself a phone call from the SoftPhone to a cell phone you can use to determine if you are having any further audio issues.
If you are still having audio issues, please contact the IT HelpDesk and we will be more than happy to assist further at 615-230-3302.