Quiz: Granting Special Access

  1. Click Evaluation on the navbar.
  2. Select Quizzes.
  3. Click on the title of the quiz you want to adjust.
  4. In the quiz editor:
    1. Expand the "Availability Dates & Conditions" option box
    2. Click on the blue "Manage Special Access" link
  5. Leave the "Allow selected users special access to this quiz" radio button selected.
  6. Click the Add Users to Special Access button.
    Add Users to Special Access Button
  7. On the "Special Access Properties" page, update the Due Date to list the unique due date for this student.
  8. Scroll down to the Users section, click next to the name of each student the extended time should be applied to. You can use the search bar to quickly locate a specific student from the list.
  9. Click the blue Save button.
  10. You can see a list of who has special access by looking at the "Special Access" Section of the restrictions tab.
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