Get Started
- From the navbar, click Evaluation and select Dropbox.
- After creating a new Assignment, use the drop-down arrow to expand the Submission & Completion options found on the right side of the screen.
Assignment Type
The default assignment type is "individual assignment." You can also create group assignments in the groups tool. If the assignment was created as a group assignment it will be listed as "group assignment" with a radio button to convert it to an individual assignment and a dropdown box that allows you to select a group that was created with the groups tool.
This allows you to group your dropbox assignments into categories. You can assign this assignment to an established category or create a new category. Many instructors leave all of their assignments uncategorized. Other instructors group their assignments by module, project, or type of submission.
Submission Type
Use the dropdown box to select the type of submission that is best for your assignment. Each type has its own set of options.
- File submission - this is the most commonly used submission type, best used for documents/files. See details below.
- Text submission - used for submission through a textbox, best used for videos, website links, or short typed responses that don't need to be highly formatted.
- On paper submission * - is used for face-to-face classes where the assignment will be turned in on paper in class.
- Observed in person * - is used when no physical item will be turned in. A class presentation, speech, or clinical interaction might be observed in person.
* For these submission types, it is recommended you select the "Automatically on evaluation" option in the Marked as complete dropdown box.
File Submission
The options for File submission include selecting how many files may be submitted and restricting the types of files accepted.

Allowable File Extensions Options
PDF only
Annotatable files, which include all file types that are supported by the Annotation tool in Assignments. For the complete list of file types, see file types supported by the Annotations tool.
- Files that can be previewed without any conversion, such as .HTM, .HTML, .MHT, .MHTML, and .BMP
Images and Videos, with videos size is often an issue. We recommend using the "Text submission" option and have students embed or turn in a link to the video that is hosted on another site like YouTube or My Media.
Custom File Types, you can manually type the required file type. Useful for restricting to specific software like .ppt,, .dwg, or .xlsx

Compatible with Turnitin, if you plan to use Turnitin, this will help ensure the tool can be "read" and evaluated by this tool.
When file type restrictions are used on an assignment, the list of allowable file types are listed on the Submit Assignment dialog.

When a learner attempts to upload a file submission for an assignment of a file extension type that the instructor has restricted, an error message appears.

Select how many different submissions you will accept. Most faculty select the default "All submissions are kept." But if you want to only have one submission per/student you can select one of the other two options.
Notification Email
If you would like to be notified by email for each submission to the dropbox, enter your email address in this field.