Panorama - Accessing Alternative Formats

Accessing Alternative Formats in eLearn

Navigate to a page in eLearn. Notice next to the page's title you will see an icon of a blue person.

screenshot of icon

Click on the icon to open the Alternative Formats Menu.

Altternative Format Menu

Select the format you would like. It may take a few moments for the format type you requested to be generated.

Below is the list of available Panorama Alternative Formats: 

  • Source File: View the document in its original format, suitable for download viewing.
  • PDF: View the document in the PDF format, suitable for both online and download viewing.
  • High Contrast: View the document in an HTML high contrast format, suitable for both online and download viewing in a low light environment.
  • Text to Speech: View the document in an HTML format with audio playback, suitable for both online and download listening.
  • Text File: View the document in a pure text format without any formatting styles, suitable for both online and download viewing.
  • EPUB: View the document in the ebook format, suitable for any ebook reader applications.
  • Braille: View the document in the braille format, suitable for download viewing. (Braille reader required).
  • Audio PodcastAudio playback for document, suitable for both online and download as mp3 file for listening. 
  • Language Translation: Translate a document automatically to over 100 languages, suitable for download viewing. 
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