Preparing for your Online or Hybrid Class
Be ready for the first day of the semester. Complete these steps before the first day of class.
1. Log into 
You can access eLearn a few different ways.
- Through the My Vol State portal. Click on the "eLearn & Online Classes" group, then select the "eLearn" icon.
- From the Vol State website hompage, in the blue navigation bar, select "eLearn."
- Go directly to the eLearn login page, save it to your bookmarks for quick access.
Log in with your Vol State email address and password. Complete the multi-factor authentication process. See the Tech Support section below for log in assistance.
In the My Courses widget, you can select the semester you want to see. Before the semester starts you will see your courses listed but they will be grayed out and unselectable. On the first day of the class, the course icon will display in full color and you will be able to click on it to access your course(s).
2. Know how to navigate eLearn
We have two resources to get you more familiar with eLearn. A walkthrough video and a sample course for you to explore.
- Watch the 23-minute eLearn walkthrough video and/or use chapter links to jump to specific sections.
- Look for the "College and Online Readiness" free resource in you eLearn My Course widget. In this practice course, you will learn about accessing classes, taking quizzes, turning in assignments, and submitting discussion posts all without the stress of a due date. If you can't find the College and Online Readiness course, contact eLearn support (contact info is below).
3. Buy your textbooks
You can purchase your textbooks from the Vol State Online Bookstore, or at the following locations:
- Cookeville Campus Bookstore (call 931-520-0551 for operating hours)
- Gallatin Campus Bookstore (check bookstore website for operating hours)
- Livingston Campus Bookstore (call 931-823-7065 for operating hours)
- Springfield Campus Bookstore (Mon - Fri from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Some courses include a digital textbook (e-text) in your tuition price. This Vol State webpage has helpful information about buying textbooks and required materials.
The First Day of the Semester
If you are enrolled in a Hybrid or Online course, your course begins the first day of the semester, even if your hybrid classes do not meet on-campus the first day. Check your detailed course schedule (found in your My Vol State account, Advising & Registration folder, View Student Schedule icon) for exact meeting dates, times, and campus(es).
Log in to eLearn and carefully read the entire syllabus (found in Content for each course) to ensure you are aware of all course requirements, policies, and deadlines. An additional log in may be required for software accompanying the course(s) you are taking. Check the course syllabus for specific details.
Additional Information
Academic Help
Your instructor is your best resource when you need assistance! Be sure to communicate regularly throughout the semester. You can email your instructor right from your course in eLearn.
The Learning Commons also offers assistance with online courses and is available virtually and at all regional campuses. Bookmark the College Success webpage as it has links to free tutoring options and support resources that are available to all Vol State Students.
Technical Support
For log in, password, and general computer issues, contact the IT Help Desk at 615-230-3302.
For eLearn or textbook issues, contact eLearn Support at 615-230-3665 or by email at
Please include your:
- Name
- V-Number
- Course number and section
- Nature of the problem
Internet Access
You must have reliable internet access and a functioning computer in order to use eLearn to complete an online class. If you find yourself in the middle of a "tech glitch" with your computer or your internet service, you are welcome to use the Vol State student computer labs to access your online and hybrid classes. we also have a detailed list of the Technical Requirements and Skills you will need to succeed.
Attendance Reporting
Check the course syllabus (found in the Content link) for the attendance requirements and how attendance will be reported. If you are receiving financial aid your attendance/participation will impact your financial aid status and eligibility.
Proctored Exams
Most online courses require the Mid-term Exam and/or Final Exam to be taken as a proctored (supervised) exam in our Testing Center. Please check each course syllabus to determine if/ when the Mid-Term Exam and/or Final Exam must be proctored. Schedule a testing appointment at your desired campus on the Vol State Testing Center website.