
How to Use the Calendar

You can access your course Calendar in two places:

  • Click "Course Tools" in the Navbar and select "Calendar."
  • From the course home page, click the word "Calendar."

The calendar has several parts with different functions (labeled in the image below):

  1. Calendar Views is a series of buttons on the top left of the overall calendar. Here you can toggle between five views: Agenda, Day, Week, Month and List. Use the List view to filter your events by Assignment Dropboxes, Checklists, Discussions, Grades, Materials, Modules, Quizzes, and Surveys.
  2. The Calendar Content Area is your main viewing area and it is located below Calendar Views on the left. The look of your calendar changes depending on the view you've selected. The buttons in this area allow you to create new events, set dates, and import from other calendars.
  3. The Calendar Menu is the pull-down menu in the top right of the Calendar Content Area. Use it to display multiple calendars, change the color scheme of a calendar, and add new calendars.
  4. The Mini Calendar is located to the right of the Calendar Content Area. It allows you to navigate quickly to a specific day, week, or month.
  5. The Task Pane is in the bottom right corner, below the Mini Calendar. You can use the Task Pane to create, track, and maintain personal tasks.

Calendar showing five parts

Creating an Event

Method One:

This method is often used when you are entering an event not associated with an area of eLearn, like a campus-wide event.

  1. Click "Course Tools" in the Navbar and select "Calendar."
  2. Click the "Create Event" button.
  3. Complete the fields provided:
  • Title: Enter an identifying name for the event.
  • Description (Optional): Enter details describing the event.
  • When: Enter the date and times associated with the event.
  • Location (Optional): If necessary add a location for the event.
  1. Click the "Create" button.

Method Two:

This method is used when associating the event with another item in eLearn, like a discussion posting or an online quiz.

  1. Go to the desired item (e.g., Dropbox, Discussion, Quiz, etc.) and enter "Edit" mode.
  2. Near the availability date, due date, or end date, click the "Display in Calendar" option.
  3. Click "Save."