Content: Navigation

How to Navigate Course Content

Table of Contents

The left side of the screen contains the Table of Contents. The right side of the screen shows the contents for the module that is highlighted in blue in the table of contents.

table of content

Once you've selected an item in the module, that page will open up and fill the screen.

Page Forward and Back Arrows

You can navigate through the module items one at a time by using the Forward and Back Arrows in the top and bottom right corners of the page.  If the Forward and Back Arrows are missing, you can add them back under the Settings by checking the Show navigation in the Content viewer check box under Navigation. 

Previous and next buttons

Fly Out Menu

To jump to any item in the module, use the Fly Out Menu on the left.

 Fly out menu

Breadcrumb Trail

You may also navigate back to previous pages/layers by using the Breadcrumb Trail at the top of each module item page.

Breadcrumb trail

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