Quiz: Extending Time Limit for All Quizzes

Tags elearn quiz

Some students will have an approved accommodation of extended time on quizzes and tests. You will be notified of this accommodation through email or a printed Accommodation Memo. In eLearn you can adjust the allotted quiz time for just one student. You need to adjust the time limit for any quiz with an enforced time limit. The student's accommodations can be set for all the quizzes in a course at one time using the Accommodations option in the Classlist.

Setting Accommodations

  1. From within a course, click Communication.
  2. Select Classlist.
  3. Find the student that needs accommodations.
  4. Click the pull-down menu to the right of the student's name.
    Screenshot showing a student, John Smith, in the classlist with the drop-down arrow highlighted.
  5. Click Edit Accommodations.
    Screenshot of the drop-down menu of a student in the Classlist with the Edit Accommodations option highlighted
  6. A new window will appear allowing you to set the Accommodations for the student:
    A Screenshot of a student's Accommodations window.
  • Turn on the Modify Time Limit option to give the student a different amount of time to take quizzes.
  • Select Multiplier of original quiz time if the student needs time and a half or a similar multiplier. For example, time and a half would be 1.5.
  • Select Extra time if the student needs a flat time added to each quiz. For example, 15 would add an extra 15 minutes to every quiz.
  • Select Always Allow Right Click to allow the student to right click within the quiz even if the option to disable right click within the quiz has been turned on from within the quiz's restrictions tab.
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