Manage Dates

Use the Manage Dates tool to view, bulk edit, and bulk offset the date availability and set the calendar status of all content topics and modules, discussion topics and forums, assignment submissions folders, grades categories and items, announcement items, quizzes, checklists, and surveys in your course from one central location.

Bulk Edit Dates

The Manage Dates tool enables you to bulk edit due dates and availability dates of your course content.

  1. On the navbar, click Course Tools.
  2. Click Course Admin.
  3. Click Manage Dates.
  4. Select the check box of the items for which you want to bulk edit dates.
  5. Click Bulk Edit Dates.
  6. In the Bulk Edit Dates dialog box, update the due dates and availability dates.
  7. Click Save.

Offset Dates

The Manage Dates tool enables you to move start dates and end dates forward or backward by a specified number of days. You can use this to move course content forward to a new term.

  1. On the navbar, click Course Tools.
  2. Click Course Admin.
  3. Click Manage Dates.
  4. Select the checkbox by any item for which you want to offset dates.
  5. Click Bulk Offset Dates.
  6. In the Bulk Offset Dates dialog box, enter your offset details.
  7. Click Save.

This 2-minute video demonstrates using the offset dates function.

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