This page provides helpful links and information for division deans, department chairs, and program directors to manage TN eCampus courses at Vol State.
Vol State Points of Contact
For Faculty/Scheduling/Administration
TN eCampus Faculty and Administration are supported by the Office of AVP for Academic Affairs.
Please contact Dana Powers:
For Student Questions/Issues
TN eCampus students are supported by the Office of Distance Learning.
Please use this email address:
Course Master List
TN eCampus partners work together to ensure that courses are consistently available annually.
All Vol State department chairs and program directors should view the Course Master List regularly for the accuracy of VSCC-delivered courses listed. Submit all updates to Dana Powers (see above), and she will send the update to the correct contact at eCampus.
Maestro is the student registration and course scheduling system used by TN eCampus. All of the partnering institutions feed their TN eCampus enrollments from Banner to the TBR IT folks, who in turn combine and manage them in Maestro. Maestro works best in Firefox. Read the using Maestro article for general instructions.
Reports are available within Maestro to help with planning. Visit this Maestro Reports Quick Reference page for a list of commonly used reports.
All VSCC department chairs and program directors should regularly monitor course enrollments in Maestro for the upcoming semester. Submit all requests regarding course sections and enrollments to Dana (see above), and she will send the update to the correct contact at eCampus.
Faculty Credential System (FCS)
Vol State ensures that faculty teaching TN eCampus sections offered to our students meet VSCC credentialing qualifications through the TN eCampus Faculty Credentialing System (FCS).
Faculty who teach courses through the TNeCampus partnership are first hired through their home institution following that institution’s requirements and certified by the chief academic officer of that institution. The home institution is responsible for maintaining a profile for each of their TN eCampus instructors. A profile is the collection of directory information, supporting documents (transcripts, diplomas, signed approvals, etc.) and an approved course list for each instructor. There is a separate form for Traditional and Non-Traditional/Alternative credentialing. The traditional form is used to document instructors with a master’s degree or higher and 18 graduate credit hours in a subject area. The non-traditional/alternative form is used to document instructors who do not have a master’s degree or higher and 18 graduate credit hours in a subject area but who do have skills, certifications, work experience or other contributions that would enhance the teaching discipline and qualify them to teach. These signed approval forms along with transcripts and other documents are used to document courses, degrees, professional experience and rationale for approving instructors to teach specific courses.
The other partner institutions then evaluate each instructor's credentials to determine if the qualifications match their home institution's minimum requirements. Credential approval is the process of reviewing credential documents, professional experience, and related materials in the FCS application to evaluate instructors for approval or disapproval to teach specific courses. At Volunteer State, this work is performed by the academic deans and department chairs and recorded in FCS.
Registered users can access this FCS Training & Support page for instructions and assistance using FCS.
Refer to the PDF file attached which outlines the general steps involved in the review process.
Additional Resources