Creating Rubrics: The Basics

Name Rubric and Set Properties

  1. On the navbar, click Evaluation and select Rubrics.
  2. On the Rubrics page, click New Rubric.
  3. Name your rubric and add, if you like, a description.
  4. Leave you rubric set to "Draft" until you are done creating and editing it.
  5. Determine the Rubric type and additional setting (see below).
  6. Click Save.

In step 5 you select if the Rubric will be Analytic or Holistic:

  • Analytic Rubrics
    Most rubrics are analytic. An analytic rubric breaks performance into multiple criteria. You assess each criterion separately, resulting in an overall assessment score.

    For example, an analytic rubric for assessing essays could have separate criteria for spelling, grammar, and expression. Each criterion can be assessed as poor, good, or excellent, resulting in an overall assessment that adequately evaluates performance.

    If you choose an analytic rubric you will set the number of levels and the number of criteria. You will also choose a scoring method. Once you've selected this you cannot change the method (you can change the point value). If you choose "custom points", it gives you the most flexibility.
  • Holistic Rubrics
    Holistic rubrics do not break performance into separate criteria. Performance is assessed holistically so that you consider several different criteria but make only one overall assessment.

    If you choose a holistic rubric you will set your number of levels.

Edit Levels and Criteria

There are many settings that can be changed in this tab. At a minimum, you will need to update each criterion.

  • Click on the Levels and Criteria tab.

levels and criteria tab

  • Click the dropdown arrow next to a criterion.
  • Select Edit Criterion.

edit criteria


  • At the top of the page, enter the criterion. The name field looks small but you can add long criteria. Here are two examples that have been used as a criterion name:
    • Document Formatting
    • 1c: Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children.
  • Edit the score, description, and feedback. The score and description are critical. Adding feedback helps to speed up your grading process. You can still individualize your response, but the text you put in the feedback box can provide a good starting spot for feedback. Here is a sample of what one criterion could look like:


  • Click the blue Save button.
  • Repeat for each Criterion.
  • Ensure your Overall Score levels add up correctly for the points you have assigned to each criterion. Use the drop-down arrow next to Overall Score to edit the levels.

Video Example: Create an Analytic Rubric

The following video demonstrates how to create an analytic rubric. Run time 2:41.

Video Example: Create a Holistic Rubric

The following video demonstrates how to create a holistic rubric. Run time 2:27.

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Thu 3/7/19 8:23 AM
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