Submitting final grades is a 2-step process:
- Use the SIS export button in eLearn to submit your final grades to Banner.
- Log into SSB to add Last Day of Attendance for students who never attended class.
Step 1 - Exporting Final Grades
Final grades may be exported to Banner multiple times during the final grade submission window. Final grade submissions are typically opened during finals week. The submission due date is published on the Vol State Academic Calendar.
Set/Confirm Two Gradebook Settings
- Click the Gradebook Settings Cog in the upper right corner of your eLearn gradebook.
- On the Student Display Options tab, make sure the Grade scheme symbol is check marked.
- On the Calculation Options tab, make sure the Calculated Final Grade is selected.
- Save both settings.
Switch Final Calculated Grade to Letter Format
- Check your grades for accuracy. Double check that all blank/empty grade items have been given a zero.
- Banner only accepts letter grades, switch Final Calculated Grade numbers (percentages or points) to letter grades.
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to Final Calculated Grade.
- Select Edit.
- In the Grade Scheme dropdown, select the letter-based scheme you want to use. For example, 90-80-70-60 Standard Letter. Or, you can create your own grade scheme and select it.

- Save and Close
Export Grades to Banner
- In the Enter Grades area, click the Export to SIS button.

- A new page will open. It will list your students and their Current Final Grade.

- Using the checkbox next to their name, select the students you want to submit grades for. Or, click the top check box by username to select all students.
- Override Grade column - Use to assign a grade other than the calculated grade, this includes using an I for Incomplete.
- Incomplete - leave the "Default Incomplete Grade" and the "Incomplete Extension Expiry Date" fields empty. Add an I to the "Override Grade" column and fill out an Incomplete Grade Form.
- Last Date of Attendance for F's:
When posting a grade of “F”, you are required to post the “Last Attendance Date”. The default date is today's date, replace it with:
- If the student actually earned a grade of “F”: Use the last scheduled date of class, excluding finals week.
- If the student stopped attending class: Use the last day the student attended class or completed online work.
- If the student never attended class: Complete Step 2 below
- Click the blue "Export" button.
- Wait a moment for processing to complete. Review the Status column for the confirmation message of "Accepted by SIS" or any error messages.
If you've encountered an error message, check this article for solutions: Export Final Grade Errors and Solutions
Step 2 - Log into SSB to Submit LDA for non-attending students
- Go to the MyVol State Portal/ClassLink.
- Type in your Username and Password, the same as the ones you use to log into the computer and your e-mail account.
- Select the Self-Service Banner Group.
- Go to “Faculty and Advisor" menu section.
- Click on “Final Grades”.
- The “Select Term” screen will appear.
- Select the current term and click “Submit”.
- The “Select a CRN” screen will appear. Select the CRN that you wish to post final grades on.
- Students who have withdrawn from your class(es) will have a Grade of “W” already posted. Do not change or post a new grade if a “W” already exists.
- If you've pushed your final grades from eLearn, you will see the grades and LDA dates for students who earned an F already populated.
Set LDA for non-attending students
For any student that never attended class:
- Assign a grade of F.
- Add a Last of of Attendance date as the day before the semester started.
- for Spring 2025 use 12/19/2024
- for Summer 2025 use 05/11/2025
- for Fall 2025 use 08/24/2025
Save your changes and log out of Self Service Banner.