Many Chromebooks appear to utilize Wi-Fi adapters that are not certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance. The non-certified Wi-Fi adapters MAY NOT connect to Wi-Fi Enterprise Networks (ex. VSCC or VSCC Guest) due to security issues.
Step 1: Turn on Wi-Fi
- Perform a "hard" reset, please first unplug the Chromebook if it's plugged into the power charger. Then, hold the refresh key (⟳) and just tap the power key once. Then, you can immediately let go of both keys. This will restart the Chromebook.
- Click your account photo
- Click No Network Note: If you see "Connected to" and the VSCC Wi-Fi network name, your Chromebook is already connected to Wi-Fi.
- To turn on Wi-Fi, click the switch
- Your Chromebook will automatically look for available networks and show them to you in a list.
Step 2: Connect to the network
- Click Settings
- Under "Network" click Add connection>Add Wi-Fi>Advanced.
- Select the "VSCC" Wi-Fi connection.
- Configure the below settings:
- Security: EAP
- EAP Method: PEAP
- EAP Phase 2 authentication: Automatic
- Server CA Certificate: Do not check
- Subject match:
- Subject alternate name match: Leave this box blank
- Domain suffix match: Leave this box blank
- User Certificate: None installed
- Identity: Your Vol State username (ex. jdoe1)
- Password: Your Vol State password (same password you use to login to the MyVolState portal )
- Anonymous identity: Leave this box blank

- Check the Save identity and password box
- Do not check the Allow other users of this device to use this network box
- Click Connect
If you need additional assistance, please contact the Vol State I.T. Help Desk at 615-230-3302 (or extension 3302 from an on-campus phone) or you may visit in person.
The Vol State IT Help Desk is located upstairs in the Thigpen Library in Room 202.