Quiz: Setting Restrictions

You may add restrictions to a quiz to allow you to set a date range for when your quiz is available, set up up a specific password for access to prevent the temptation of cheating, or set up an IP restriction if you only want the quiz taken from a specific location such as the Vol State testing center.

  1. On the navbar, click Evaluations and select Quizzes.
  2. On the Manage Quizzes page, from the context menu of the quiz you want to add restrictions to, click Edit.
  3. In the Restrictions tab, do any of the following:
    • In the Dates and Restrictions area:
      • update the Status drop-down list (active or inactive),
      • the Availability section (including a due date - see screenshot below),
      • and the Additional Release Conditions section for the quiz.
    • In the Optional Advanced Restrictions area, use these options to help improve test security:
      • Set a password.
      • Add new IP Range to update the IP Restriction fields. You can add multiple IP address ranges to ensure that users can only access a quiz from IP addresses in the specified IP address ranges. This setting requires participants to take their quiz in a specific location (like an on-campus computer lab or classroom). When setting IP address restrictions, the first box must contain the 3 starting numbers of the IP address range. Each additional field is optional depending on how specific you want the IP address restrictions to be. We don't typically encourage the use of this setting. However, if you have a use case where it is needed, we will assist you on an individual basis.
    • In the Timing area, set your timing options for the quiz.
    • In the Special Access area, select your Type of Access and click Add Users to Special Access. (See the extending time limit article for an example of special access).
  4. Click Save and Close.

Setting Quiz Access and Due Dates 

screenshot of quiz restrictions with highlights explained in text below image


  1. Be sure that your quiz is set to "active." Students cannot see inactive quizzes, even if dates are correctly set.
  2. Place a check in the boxes to be able to assign dates.
  3. Display dates in the course calendar to help remind students of upcoming quizzes and exams.
  4. Avoid setting a due date and time ending at "midnight." Instead, use 11:59 p.m. on the date the quiz is due. 


Article ID: 58588
Mon 7/30/18 4:36 PM
Thu 6/15/23 10:14 AM