First Day of Class Recommendations for Online and Virtual Classes

The VSCC Faculty Council has developed these recommendations for both full-time and adjunct faculty for when the majority of classes taught by all faculty utilize various online modalities, including asynchronous and synchronous classes using virtual applications, such as Zoom or other video conferencing tools.

Faculty should be afforded adequate time to prepare.

The VSCC Faculty Council strongly supports the academic freedom of each faculty member, so these recommendations are general in nature and designed only for the first day of class in the semester in our current online teaching and learning environment.

For faculty who have been given adequate notice of their class assignment, we recommend that each LMS (eLearn) course shell should include the following (as a minimum), by 8 am the first day of the semester:

  • Provide your Instructor contact information
  • Include an introductory Announcement about the class
  • Include the course syllabus and/or course overview
  • For an asynchronous online class, faculty should have a first week assignment in order to verify student attendance, such as a syllabus quiz, introductory discussion post, etc.
  • For a synchronous or hybrid virtual class, faculty should have their first synchronous meeting information posted in the LMS (eLearn).
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