Assignments: Grading Submissions with a Rubric & Annotation

Get Started

  1. From the navbar, click Evaluation and select Dropbox.
  2. Click on the name of the dropbox assignment you want to evaluate.

Student Submission List

  1. Click on your first student's name. Here you will see the details of the files submitted by this student. Each submission displays comments, files, indicators to show lateness, flags, and evaluation status.
    Screenshot of the new eLearn Dropbox Learner Submission List
  2. Click on the title of the file to open the file for viewing.

Screenshot of submission evaluation page

3. Enter grades and feedback, then click "publish" for students to see their grade and feedback.


1 - Submission Selector Dropdown

If a student has submitted more than one file, you can use the dropdown to easily change the document you are viewing.

2 & 3 - Submission View Window and Annotation Tool

On the main left-side of the screen, you will most likely see your student's submission. If you don't see a submission they may have turned in a file type that can't be displayed. You can go back to the student submission list and use the 3 dot ellipses to the right of the document title to download the student's file to open on your computer with compatible software.

Annotation Tool

Watch this 3-minute video on using the Annotation Tool in eLearn. Read the Assignments: Annotation Tool Details article for additional information.

4 - Rubrics

You can interact with the rubric in a streamlined/simplified version in the right-hand window, or expand the rubric into a whole page by clicking on this icon.Rubric popout button

Grade each criterion by clicking on the description that matches the student's work. As you select a level for each criterion, you will see a checkmark and the total score will automatically tally. If you use a rubric, you can provide feedback on each criterion as well as overall feedback.

Sample rubric criterion selection

5 - Overall Grade

With Rubric:

If you've used a rubric, the selected criterion scores will total automatically to generate an overall grade.

Without Rubric:

If you didn't use a rubric, manually enter the student's score in the Overall Grade field.

6 - Overall Feedback

Enter overall feedback in the textbox provided. Notice that you have a full text editor in this box. You can add text, videos, and quick links to course materials as a way to reinforce student learning. Below the overall feedback textbox you can also see a toolbar that allows you to quickly add short audio and video recordings to your feedback.


Once you've completed your grading and feedback, click on the blue "publish" button to send the feedback to the student. Or, if you want to release all of the grades at once, you can save it as a draft and release the grades to all students on the previous screen (dropbox assignment student list).






Article ID: 131909
Tue 4/27/21 8:06 AM
Thu 6/15/23 1:46 PM

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