How to update group membership of an email list.

  1. Launch the Windows Explorer window by clicking the icon in your Taskbar. Windows Explorer Icon

  2. Scroll down on your folder navigation on the left side and click on Network.

    1. You may get an error that says "Network discovery is turned off".  Click the OK button.

  3. In the top navigation bar click on Search Active Directory 

    1. Type the name of your group and click on Find Now

    2. Double click on the name of your group

  4. Under the member's area of your group you can click on an existing member and click Remove or click Add

    1. You will get the "Select Users, Contacts, Computers..." window.

    2. In the "Enter the object names to select" type in the person's "Lastname, Firstname" (i.e. Smith, John)  then click on the Check Names button.  

    3. It may open another window for you to select the appropriate user to add.  If you are not sure which person is the one you want to add you can call the IT Help Desk and we can help you to determine.

      1. Select the name and click OK.

      2. You may have to click OK again.

  5. Once done you can close the Find User, Contacts, and Groups

  6. The group membership may take up to 30 minutes to update.

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