How long will I be provided access to my Vol State student email?

Volunteer State Community College continues to actively work to protect all student, faculty and staff accounts from being compromised.

General Student Information (pg. 7 of Vol State Student Handbook)

Student Email

The Volunteer State Community College Student Email is hosted by Microsoft Office 365. This service is offered free to students while taking classes. This Student Email address is the primary communication method used for campus communication from both the college and your instructors

Student Email is Provided for College Business Use (IV. of

A. Students should never share credentials with another person.

B. Student email accounts may be retained for a period of one year after graduation to prevent inactive accounts from becoming compromised.

Purpose (II. of

The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for email use, mailbox size, email purge, and student email retention policy for Volunteer State Community College.

For more information about Policy Number: VII:01:24 please visit

To assist in Vol State Community Colleges efforts in Cybersecurity please also see:

What is a Phishing email and how do I report them?

Tips for creating a secure password/passphrases

Welcome to the Vol State Phish Bowl (



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This article reviews the different types of phishing emails and the best way to manage those and avoid falling for them.

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