Welcome to Vol State! This is a great place for new students to find answers to the most frequently asked technology-related questions
Directions on how to troubleshoot logging in to the Vol State portal to access email, eLearn, records, registration, and other important services offered through Vol State.
How to log in to your Student Portal to access email, registration, DegreeWorks, eLearn, online classes, and other student services
Learn how to install Microsoft 365 on your personal device.
Student computer labs that are available for student use on main campus & off-campus locations. These labs are configured with internet access, computer hardware, software and printing.
Use our Student Technology Checklist to make sure you’re up-to-speed on the following tech tips and requirements.
See a quick summary of the computer accounts that Vol State students receive
Various Microsoft applications have a feature that allows the end user to get quick access to assistance via shortcuts to specific features and documentation. This article explains how to take advantage of these features.
When MFA is turned on for your account and you attempt to log into e-mail and most other web services; you will be required to have a challenge code/request be sent to one of the following methods. You can set up multiple methods for redundancy.
I am a student; how do I get Microsoft Visio or Project for my class?
How to access Microsoft 365 Online in order to use Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and many other productivity applications.
Learn how to activate or change your Vol State student password (to access the campus network (wired & wireless), D2L/eLearn, Degree Works, email and the library databases) or look up and obtain your username.
This article will provide guidelines for resolving or working around the Not Connected error.
This article walks through the steps to install and sign in to your Vol State OneDrive on an Android device.
This article walks through the steps to install and sign in to your Vol State OneDrive on an iOS device.
Instructions for using the Fujitsu ScanSnap SV600 overhead scanner located in the Thigpen Library computer lab.
How a student can find where to register, check email, log on to eLearn, check their action items and other important tasks through the new Portal web page on.
Having problems connecting your Chromebook to VSCC Wi-Fi?
Information regarding the Vol State Emergency Text Alert system, including how to opt-in or opt-out.
What to do if you get a message that says your account is disabled.