I'm faculty/staff. How do I change my password and get my username?

To protect Vol State information resources, starting 8/12/2024, all domain users (faculty, staff, and students) are required to change their Vol State passwords every 730 days (two years). More often is recommended as you can protect your accounts, files, and other computer resources by periodically changing your account password. 

To set your password for the first time or to change your existing password visit the Password Reset Utility. Your user name will be available on the same page where you set your new password.

Follow the recommendations below to make sure your password is as secure as possible.

Passwords must be minimum of 16 characters, a maximum of 256 characters, and MUST NOT contain ANY part of your name, username, or V number. 

Password recommendations:

Passwords must contain characters from at least three of the following four categories:

  • English uppercase alphabet characters (A-Z)
  • English lowercase alphabet characters (a-z)
  • Base 10 digits (0-9)
  • Non-alphanumeric characters:
    • When updating your password using "Sign in with Microsoft" it will allow for: @ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | | : ` , . ? / ‘ ~ “ ( ) ; < > blank space
    • When updating your password using "PASSWORD RESET INSTRUCTIONS" it will allow for: ^ * - ! = { } | : ` , . ? / ' ~ " ( ) ; < >

In addition to these requirements, passwords/passphrases should never be shared, written down, or e-mailed to others.

Users cannot reuse any of their previous ten passwords. 

Please Note Changing your account password will affect the following campus systems - Campus Network (Computer Login & Wi-Fi), E-Mail, D2L/eLearn & Degree Works.

It is your responsibility to safeguard your accounts and passwords! Never share your passwords with anyone for any reason, and never logon to campus computers for someone else! Doing so violates the campus policy on the use of information technology resources. If you are experiencing trouble accessing your accounts, or changing your password, please contact the Vol State IT Help Desk (615-230-3302).

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