(Make sure you are following the standard directions from the article "How to log into My Vol State student portal" before troubleshooting.)
Incorrect User Name / Password Error
Make sure you are entering your Vol State Email address.
- If John Smith's user name is jsmith01, then John Smith's e-mail address is jsmith01@volstate.edu.
I Do Not Know My User Name
On the My Vol State Portal/Classlink page click on the Set/Reset Password green box.
(The password reset option on the Microsoft login page will not work with our Vol State account.)
The "Set/Reset Password" link will ask you for your:
- First Name
- Last Name
- VNumber (If you don't know your V number contact the Records Office at (615) 230-3466.)
- Birth Date
When you identify yourself through the "Identity Check" Screen, then you will be provided your User Name once you select "Verify".
I Do Not Know My Password/Passphrase
When updating your password in Classlink through "Set/Reset Password"...
the passwords must be a minimum of 16 characters, a maximum of 256 characters, and MUST NOT contain ANY part of your name, username, or V number.
Passwords must contain characters from at least three of the following four categories:
- English uppercase alphabet characters (A-Z)
- English lowercase alphabet characters (a-z)
- Base 10 digits (0-9)
- Non-alphanumeric characters:
- When updating your password using "Set/Reset Password" it will only allow for: ^ * - ! = { } | : ` , . ? / ' ~ " ( ) ; < >
In addition to these requirements, passwords/passphrases should never be shared, written down, or e-mailed to others. Users cannot reuse any of their previous ten passwords.
See more information through the article "Tips for creating a secure password/passphrases."
There Is an Issue With Your Account error
If "There Is an Issue With Your Account error" comes up when you try to change your password, then that usually means you are using part of your:
- Full Name
- User Name
- V number
If that's the case, then the password cannot contain any of that information and try a completely different password.
See more information through the article "Tips for creating a secure password/passphrases."
You are receiving the error "Your Account is not connected"
If the message "Your Account is not connected" comes up when you try to log into Microsoft Login through the My Vol State Portal link, then it is likely that you already logged in with a personal or work Microsoft Account that is not associated with your Vol State account.
You need to:
- You will need to use a different browser than the one you are currently using.
For Additional Assistance:
Contact the IT Help Desk at...
Phone: 615.230.3302
Walk-in: Thigpen Library, 202
Hours: Hours of Operation