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    Directions on how to troubleshoot logging in to the Vol State portal to access email, eLearn, records, registration, and other important services offered through Vol State.
    Do you need to request an account for a newly hired employee? Do you have an employee that is taking on an additional position (such as an adjunct) or employees changing positions? Do you need a shared group email account?
    Instructions for CEU Staff on how to request instructor accounts to be created for Non-Employees such as CEU or OSHA Instructors to allow for access to campus systems such as Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft Teams, eLearn, and Wireless Access.
    What to do when your account is disabled?
    This article will provide guidelines for resolving or working around the Not Connected error.
    How to log in to your Student Portal to access email, registration, DegreeWorks, eLearn, online classes, and other student services
    Follow these steps to help in making sure you change your password on all devices after you change your Vol State password.
    What to do if you get a message that says your account is disabled.
    This is the documented procedure for students to request a name change.