Instructors can set up Zoom meetings directly in eLearn that can then be easily accessed by students directly through the eLearn course. This method eliminates the conventional method of setting up Zoom meetings found in the Scheduling and Starting a Zoom Meeting Knowledge Base article.
IMPORTANT: Instructors will need to first set up their Zoom accounts using the method covered in the Accessing Zoom Knowledge Base article.
Accessing Zoom Through eLearn

- Log into eLearn and navigate to the course you wish to set up a meeting for.
- Click on Course Tools in the Navigation Bar at the top of the page.
- Click on Zoom Meetings at the bottom of the Course Tools list.
- A list of all scheduled Zoom meetings for the current course will be shown.
- This list only shows meetings for the course you are currently in unless you click the All My Zoom Meetings/Recordings link at the top.
- If this is your first time accessing Zoom through eLearn, you will need to click the Accept button to allow Zoom to add scheduled meetings to the course calendar.

Scheduling a New Meeting
From within the Zoom Meetings page, click the Schedule a New Meeting button in the top right.

Meeting Settings
- Topic - By default, the topic is automatically set to the name of the course. You can change the name of the meeting to better convey what the meeting is about.
- Description - You can add a description to the meeting to better explain what the meeting is for.
- When - Change the date and time of when the meeting is set to occur.
- Duration - Set the duration of the meeting. The meeting will not automatically end if you go over the duration.
- Time Zone - The time zone will automatically set to Central Time
- Recurring Meeting - If you would like to set this meeting to happen automatically a set number of times, click this box. You can then set the recurrence to however many meetings you want. The recurring meetings keep all the same settings including name.
- Registration - Turning registration on will require participants to register before viewing the meeting. This can be useful if you want to know how many people will be attending ahead of the meeting.
- Video - You can choose to have both the Host (you) and the Participant (students) video start as on or off for the meeting. This setting can be changed by the user once they enter the meeting.
- Audio - This setting chooses how users will hear the meeting. It is advised to leave it as Both.
- Meeting Options - You have several choices to make for a meeting. These options will carry over to any recurring meetings.
- Require meeting password - participants will be required to enter a password to join a meeting. If checked, you will have to provide a password.
- Enable join before host - If this box is checked, participants can join the meeting before you as the host enters. You will receive an email that you have people waiting for you to start the meeting once someone joins.
- Mute participants before entry - This option will mute all participants upon joining the meeting. In order to speak, participants will have to unmute their microphones.
- Use Personal Meeting ID - Your personal meeting room is a virtual room that is permanently reserved for you. You can start it at any time or schedule it for future use. You will be able to send students this ID for them to access the meeting. This is not mandatory since students should be accessing the meeting through eLearn.
- Enable waiting room - The Waiting Room feature allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting. As the meeting host, you can admit attendees one by one or hold all attendees in the waiting room and admit them all at once.
- Record the meeting automatically - Enabling this feature allows Zoom to automatically record the meeting to your MyMedia. These recordings can then be viewed by students after you upload them to eLearn through MyMedia.
- Alternative Hosts - Adding another person's email address here will allow that person to be the host of the meeting in the event you are unable to host.
Click the Save button to save the settings and schedule the meeting. Students will then see the meeting in the list of course meetings when they access the Zoom Meetings link in the course.
I'm Receiving an Error Code
If you click on the Zoom Meetings link and receive an error code like the one below, you most likely need to set up your Zoom account by following the instructions in the Accessing Zoom Knowledge Base article.

If you are still receiving an error code after creating an account, please contact eLearn support at 615-230-3665 or