How to: Submit a Ticket in TeamDynamix (TDX)


Instructions on how to submit a ticket request to Vol State IT in TeamDynamix. Please visit our Service Catalog to view our technology categories and services. Please follow the steps below for how to submit a ticket in TeamDynamix.

  1. Login to TeamDynamix to view all services that Vol State IT provides
  2. Click on Services in top ribbon to view our Service Catalog

  3. Locate and click the Category that is most relevant to your request
  4. Click on the Service that you need (i.e. Adobe Portal Access Request or Hardware Issue)

  5. You will be taken to the Service page where you will be given a brief summary of the Service and any related Knowledge Base Articles
  6. Click the red Request Service button on the right

  7. Here you will fill in the details of your request. Each Service we provide has been customized to fit the needed information for the request. Mandatory fields will have an asterisk next to them.

  8. When ready, at the bottom of the page, click the red Request button

  9. Here you can view the request you just created. Create another request of that same type or view all of your ticket requests.

    Image of request confirmation and three options


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