TeamDynamix Glossary


On the main TeamDynamix (TDX) landing page, the Vol State logo will appear. On the blue Banner below, you will see several options: 

  1. Home – the new Vol State IT home page with several shortcut links on the page.

    • Contact Vol State Help Desk – phone number & building/room location of the Help Desk. 

    • Hours – days of week and hours, the Help Desk is open. 

    • Popular Articles - dynamically lists the most frequently visited knowledge articles. 

    • Popular Services – dynamically lists the most frequently requested services.

  1. Services – these are a growing list of the technology services provided by Vol State IT to the Volunteer State Community. 

    • Service Catalog – a roster of technology services provided by Vol State IT to the Volunteer State Community – faculty and staff. 

    • Categories – logical groupings of technology services. 

    • Services – an orderable technology service, which could be an existing technology capability is not working properly or are in need of a technology capability you don’t currently have. Think of it as anything to be requested from Vol State IT. 

  1. Knowledge Base – this is an inventory of knowledge base articles. It is to answer many commonly asked questions or issues. Over the coming months the knowledge base will be fully populated. 

    • Categories – logical groupings of knowledge articles. These are very similar to service categories. 

    • Articles – knowledge articles created for common questions or issues. These provide instructions / information for self-service purposes. 

    • Popular Articles - dynamically lists the most frequently visited knowledge articles. 

    • Recent Articles – dynamically lists the most recently visited knowledge articles. 

    • Popular Tags – these are the most commonly used search tags. 

  2.  Search – there are two ways to search in TDX.

    •  In the top right hand corner, there is a search box with the words inside it that say, “search the client portal”. Client Portal is the TeamDynamix (TDX) landing page. Typing search words in this box will scan the entire TDX system for potential matches. 

    •  Just below the blue banner is the word “search”. Selecting this option, either when you are in the services section or knowledge base section will bring up a new screen where you can enter search terms and category to search within that particular section for potential matches. 

  3. Other terms

    • Classification

      • Incident - an existing technology capability that was working is no longer working properly

      • Service request - a new technology capability that is not currently in place is requested

      • Change - a request to update a production system

      • Problem - a ticket that is created when a trend is determined and multiple, related incidents are reported. The related incidents are associated to the problem ticket. After the problem is resolved, we will analyze the root cause and explore opportunities for prevention in the future

    • Status

      • New - a ticket has been created, but work has not been started or an owner has not yet been assigned

      • In Process - a ticket has been created; an owner has been assigned; work on resolving the ticket is in progress

      • Completed - a ticket has been resolved and closed

      • Cancelled - a ticket has been withdrawn, or otherwise canceled

      • On Hold - a ticket has been paused for a specific period of time.

        • The ticket is placed on hold if a response is needed from the requester. If no response is received, the ticket will come off hold and be marked as completed.

        • The ticket is placed on hold with a due date to come off hold, which can vary, depending on the nature of the ticket.

          • Example. User response is needed, but indicates won't be able to due to a 2 week vacation. Set status to On Hold for 2 weeks out, and follow up after the ticket comes off hold.

      • Parts on Order - purchase order has been placed with vendor and currently awaiting delivery of equipment / supplies

    • Acct/Dept - This is set as the specific department for any employee (faculty/staff) who is the requester

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