Pinning Courses for Easy Acccess

Pinning allows you to keep frequently accessed or important courses at the top of your course list, making them easier to find.

How to Pin a Course

  1. Click the "waffle" icon at the top of your eLearn window to reveal the course menu. 
    • If you are enrolled in more than 25 courses you will see the "search for a course" field that you can use to locate a specific course by typing in a name, prefix, or CRN.
    • The course menu is populated by your recently visited courses.
  2. Click on the pin icon to the right of the course name.

The pinned course(s) have a filled-in, black pin icon. The pinned course(s) will always appear at the top of the drop-down list.

To unpin the course, click on the pin icon a second time. The unpinned course(s) have an empty pin icon.

Visual Example

Here's a picture of what you're looking for at the top of your eLearn homepage.

Screenshot of course drop down list showing pins