How to Adjust Account Settings
From the minibar, click on the user icon (your name at the top, right) and select Account Settings in the drop-down menu to get started customizing your personal settings.

Your preferences in eLearn are broken up into 3 tabs: Account Settings, Discussions, and Email. Simply click the tab for the preferences you want to set.

Account Settings
There are several account settings that you can adjust to fit your needs. The most relevant ones are highlighted below.
- Font Settings – Change the font settings in eLearn to make the text more readable for instructions and navigation bars. This will not affect the size of the font in content pages.
- Dialog Setting – Allows you to set the way secondary windows open in eLearn for you.
- Reading Content – When you view content in eLearn, the system automatically marks items as read as the page scrolls. Use this option to disable this feature.
- Time Zone – Allows you to set your preferred time zone.
- Signing In – A green dot will appear next to the name of anyone online in eLearn on the Classlist. You can change your online status if you prefer that students not know you are online in eLearn. The setting will revert back the next time you log in to eLearn. Students do not have this option.
After adjusting each option that you wish to change, click Save and Close to leave the Account Settings window or Save before you move to another tab.
You can adjust settings that manage how discussions work for you. Un-check each option that you want to turn off. Place a checkmark in the box for each option you want to turn on.
Click either Save or Save and Close.
This area allows you to configure email options and create an email signature.
- Un-check each option that you want to turn off; check the options you want to turn on.
- Forwarding Options – Forward incoming messages to an alternative email account by checking the select-box and typing in your Vol State email address.
Note: Faculty members should not use a personal email address for student correspondence.