
The class list tool is a central area from where you can:

  • Send a Course Mail email to your instructor
  • Locate classmates and send them Course Mail
  • Find classmates who are currently logged into eLearn

View the Classlist

From your Course Home page, click the Classlist link under Communication in the Course NavBar.

Screen shot of Classlist menu item.

How do I send a Course Mail email to my instructor?

In the classlist, click on the faculty tab. Now you will see the instructor(s) for your course.

Click on the instructor's name, a blank email will open with the instructor listed in the "To:" field.

Screen shot of Faculty Tab in the Classlist

How do I find classmates or other users?

To locate classmates (and instructors or staff) within the Classlist, type their name (first or last) in the search field and click the Magnifying Glass.

A list of classmates or staff associated with the search criteria you entered displays in the results field.

Screenshot of classlist search field.

The active icon, a green dot, displays beside the names of classmates and instructors who are currently logged in to eLearn.