Logging Into eLearn: Primary Method
- Go to the Vol State Homepage: https://www.volstate.edu/
- On the top blue line of the home page, click the "My Vol State" tab.
- Close the "Login Issues?" pop-up box by clicking the green "Close" button in the bottom right of the box.
(If you have username and password issues, follow the instructions in this pop-up box.)
- Sign in to My Vol State by clicking the gray "Sign in with Microsoft" button. Then enter your username, password, and complete the multi-factor authentication.
- Click the "Online Classes" icon:
![Online Classes icon](https://volstate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=8a2f6825-2d43-4b44-b303-3ddfe192addb.JPG&beidInt=306)
- Click the "eLearn" icon:
![eLearn Icon](https://volstate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=d16fd7f4-3400-430d-a23d-12ef5b5f0235.JPG&beidInt=306)
Logging Into eLearn: Backup Method
- Go to the direct eLearn Login page: https://elearn.volstate.edu
- Click the blue "Vol State Student and Faculty Login" button.
- Login to eLearn by entering your username, password, and completing the multi-factor authentication.
For Password Assistance
IT Help Desk
(615) 230-3302
For eLearn Assistance
Office of Distance Learning
(615) 230-3665
eLearn Technology Requirements
Technology Requirements
TN eCampus Courses
Courses that have a section code beginning with an R (like R50, R51, etc.) can ONLY be accessed at https://gotoclass.tnecampus.org.