Vol State syllabi should be created in HTML (strongly preferred) or Microsoft Word and posted in eLearn. Regardless of format, ALL syllabi must be 100% ADA accessible.
Each syllabus should include the following:
- Course Description
- Goals and Outcomes (Learning Objectives)
- Course Assessment Techniques
- Instructor Name and Contact Information (or name and link to the course Instructor Contact Page)
- Textbooks and Materials (required and optional)
- Assignment Descriptions
- Instructor Policies (e.g., Grading, Academic Honesty, Participation, Inclement Weather; based on college policies, see the VSCC catalog)
- Behavior Policy for Online Interactions, "Netiquette"
- Required College Policy Statements (ADA, unexpected closure, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Title IX, Financial Aid)
- Topical Outline
- Course Schedule or Calendar (or link to the course schedule)
Syllabus Templates