Posts and Completion Options
- Allow learners to hide their name from other learners: Select this option to allow students to anonymously post to this topic (not recommended).
- Users must start a thread before they can read and reply to other threads: Select this option to force students to post to the topic before they can read and reply to other students’ posts (recommended).
- A moderator must approve individual posts before they display in the topic: Select this option to approve posts before students are able to view them.
Evaluation & Feedback
Get Started
- From the navbar, click Communication and select Discussion.
- After creating a new Topic, use the drop-down arrow to expand the Evaluation & Feedback options found on the right side of the screen.
Click "Add Rubric" to link an existing rubric to this discussion topic or to create a rubric for this topic. For more information about rubrics, see the Creating Rubrics: The Basics article.
Learning Objectives
If you use the Learning Objectives tool in eLearn, this is where you can connect your discussion to your course learning outcomes.
Evaluate Posts
- Allow evaluation of individual posts. This option requires the topic to have assigned points. When selected, instructors can assign scores to each post on this topic.
- Allow learners to rate posts.