Assignments: Evaluation & Feedback (including Turnitin)

Tags turnitin

Get Started

  1. From the navbar, click Evaluation and select Dropbox.
  2. After creating a new Assignment, use the drop-down arrow to expand the Evaluation & Feedback options found on the right side of the screen.


Click "Add Rubric" to link an existing rubric to this assignment or to be creating a rubric for this assignment. For more information about rubrics, see the Creating Rubrics: The Basics article.

Learning Objectives

If you use the Learning Objectives tool in eLearn, this is where you can connect your assignment to your course learning outcomes.

Annotation Tool

If you want to annotate and leave specific feedback on file submissions using the eLearn annotation tool, checkmark this box.


Manage Turnitin

The official guidance site for Turnitin is

This 7:42-minute video demonstrates creating a Turnitin enabled dropbox assignment:

How to Create a Turnitin PeerMark Assignment

This 10:34-minute tutorial demonstrates how to create a PeerMark assignment for students in eLearn.

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