If you encounter an issue not listed here, please share the error message or issue with Distance Learning ( so they can work with Records to identify the issue and a solution.
After clicking the SIS Export button
Sorry, you cannot export grade because your user account is not recognized by the SIS.
Only the instructor of record in Banner can submit grades using the SIS Export tool. Confirm that you are listed in Banner as the instructor.
"Error: Unable to complete your request" in a pop up window
In your eLearn grade book settings, on the Student Display tab, ensure the Grade Scheme Symbol box is checked.
The "Current Final Grade" Column is blank or has numbers not letters
In your eLearn grade book settings, on the Calculation Options tab, ensure the Calculated Final Grade radio button is marked (if visible) and the Automatically release final grade box is checked.
In your eLearn grade book, click on the dropdown arrow next to Final Calculated Grade. Select Edit. Then in the Grade Scheme dropdown, select the letter-based scheme you want to use. For example, 90-80-70-60 Standard Letter. If none of the available schemes work, you can create your own grade scheme and select it. Save and Close.
After Submission - Comments in the History Column of the Export Details report
The final grade * is not valid.
You've tried to submit a final grade type that is not accepted by Banner. Please choose a letter grade, or reach out to the records department if this is still an issue.
can not update final grade, grade is rolled to history
This student already has a grade assigned, most likely because they are auditing the class. Check with Records if you are unsure.
The final grade XX.X % is not valid.
Banner will only accept letter grades. See the instructions above in the "Current Final Grade" Column is bland or has numbers not letters error.
The Records department is not accepting Final Grade submissions at this time. Try again during the Final Grade Submission window.