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All electronic content at Vol State should be accessible. Use these techniques as you create Knowledge Base articles.
All documents created in Microsoft Word should be created to be accessible. Use these accessibility techniques as you create or update your documents.
All presentations created in Microsoft PowerPoint should be created to be accessible. It is usually easier to create a new presentation accessibly rather than remediate an existing presentation. Remember to check publisher-provided presentations if you use them in your class.
All content presented in PDF documents should be accessible. When using PDF's you need to start from an accessible source document. Always keep the source document and the PDF document. Use these accessibility techniques as you create PDF content.
Vol State faculty developed the Guidelines for Online & Hybrid Course Design and Review included in this article. The guidelines assure that distance education courses are designed to promote student engagement and success. Therefore, all asynchronous online courses should follow these minimum standards.
All content created in eLearn should be created to be accessible. Use these accessibility techniques as you create or update your content.