Service Description
Request the checkout of technology for fulfilling completion of class assignments.
Standard Features
If you're PELL grant eligible, TN Promise eligible, and a full-time student, you may be eligible for the TN Achieves COMPLETE grant to cover the cost of a laptop or other items.
Go to: for additional information.
If this doesn't apply, Vol State IT may be able to assist with the following types of technology requests:
- Assisting students with the checkout of a laptop or jet pack (subject to availability) needed for completing class assignments.
Roles and Responsibilities
User Responsibilities:
- User is responsible for returning the student technology checkout item(s) at the end of each requested term.
- User is responsible for providing details related to the request including their contact information and specifying the device being requested.
- User is responsible for reading the Volunteer State Community College Student Technology Checkout and Mobile Device Usage Procedure and answering questions affirming their agreement within the ticket; both files are located on this service description page.
Vol State IT Responsibilities:
- Consult with end user if needs are unclear.
- Help facilitate the student technology checkout process.
- Ensure that requested hardware complies with standards approved by Vol State IT.
- Configure equipment & coordinate the deployment of the equipment to the user.
How To Request
Click the Request Service button and complete the request form.
Service Audience
Service Level Agreement
There is no Service Level Agreement (SLA) associated with this service.
Institutional Policies
Policy on the Use of Information Technology Resources
Purchasing Computer-Related Hardware and Software
Volunteer State Community College Student Technology Checkout and Mobile Device Usage Procedure