Calling Out to Phone Number via Zoom Meeting

Zoom Call Out Feature

Introduction: In order to keep your contact information private, but still be able to call an individual, you can utilize the Zoom Call Out feature from within a Zoom Meeting. 

Zoom has well written instructions on how to use the call out feature to be found on their website.  

Here is the abridged version:

  1. Start a Zoom Meeting
  2. Click on Manage Participants
  3. Click on Invite by Phone
  4. Enter the Invitee Name and Phone Number
  5. The Invitee will receive a phone call (NOTE: the phone number will be out of the area.  Could be New York or other states. You may want to note to the recipient so they answer the out of area call.) and will be notified that they are being invited to a Zoom Meeting and to continue they will have to "Press 1 to join the meeting".  
  6. They will be connected to your meeting then.
  7. End Meeting to hang up.

You may contact the IT Help Desk with any questions on how to troubleshoot this feature.

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