TeamDynamix FAQ


TeamDynamix questions about the transition from SchoolDude ITDirect.

What is the big news? 

  • Vol State IT rolled out a new ticketing system called TeamDynamix to replace the capabilities of the legacy SchoolDude ITDirect system for technology tickets only. The first phase of TeamDynamix went live just after 4:30 PM on Thursday, June 28, 2018.

How will my life be different? 

  • The first phase will change the process very little from what you do now. The link to where you have always submitted tickets will be in the same place it always has been. When you click the link in the Tools section on the Vol State Employee page to submit a service request for IT, you will be redirected to a TeamDynamix landing page and from there you will navigate through a couple of screens to create a ticket. A separate knowledge base article exists to explain how a ticket is created in TeamDynamix. How To Create A Ticket In TeamDynamix (TDX)

  • The system is highly transparent. You will be able to see who is working your ticket, at any time.  

  • When creating tickets yourself, the system will be looking for specific data attributes to ultimately make the process of gathering the right information more focused and in the end provide a better technology support experience to you. 

  • The implementation approach will slowly introduce TeamDynamix to the Vol State Community. It will be different and will require some patience and understanding as you learn to navigate a new software tool. 

  • As the Vol State Community adjusts to the new system, more features and functions of the tool will be implemented. The system has some powerful features including structured data and metrics that will allow Vol State IT to better track its technology support performance, improve accountability of ourselves and in the end provide a better customer support experience for you. 

Why are we moving technology requests out of SchoolDude ITDirect ? 

  • Over the last couple of years, Vol State IT carefully assessed the needs of Volunteer State Community College as it pertains to providing technology support to students, faculty and staff. Commercial ticket solutions for the Help/Service Desk has significantly progressed over the last decade and we have an opportunity to leverage, through a commercial solution in TeamDynamix aimed primarily at Higher Educational institutions, the extensive research and development that has gone into this system.  

  • There are big opportunities with the new system that we are available to leverage – such as determining priority on a ticket; integrating knowledge base articles with the ticketing system to make self-service more user friendly; data that will allow us to better analyze how well we are doing. You have heard the old adage, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure.” TeamDynamix is data rich and will provide useful information that will allow Vol State IT to better communicate, manage and deliver an even higher level of customer service. 

What is TeamDynamix and why did we decide to select it for our new Vol State IT ticketing system? 

  • TeamDynamix (TDX) is a software vendor located in Columbus, Ohio. Their primary products are those that support technology service desks and project management practices. We chose TDX after an extensive vendor evaluation.  

  • Their target market is higher education. We talked to many colleges and universities already using TDX including Austin Peay State University and Western Kentucky University and all were pleased with the system. TDX has a strong customer community that works closely together to share knowledge and best practices.

What is the rollout plan for TDX? 

  • TDX implementation happens in several phases. The first phase goes live on Thursday, June 28th after 4:30 PM. Subsequent phases will occur in increments after initial go-live. 

  • The phases after July 2nd will introduce more features/functions/capabilities of TDX as the Vol State Community adjusts to the new tool. 

What about all the tickets that are still in SchoolDude ITDirect, what will happen to those? 

  • We will harvest the tickets from SchoolDude ITDirect manually and work those through completion; for tickets that were submitted for future events, we will import those to TDX.

  • All new technology tickets starting after 4:30 PM on Thursday, June 28, 2018 will be created and processed in TDX. 

What are some of the cool features in TeamDynamix that are not available in our current ticketing system? 

  • Transparency. It will be very easy to see who is working your ticket at any time. 

  • Self-service. Tickets and knowledge base articles will be available in the same system, and make it much easier for end users to solve issues on their own. 

  • Accountability. The system has the capability to establish parameters around how quickly Vol State IT receives, acknowledges and resolves tickets. This will provide very useful data to help Vol State IT raise the bar in terms of accountable customer service. 

  • Automation. Features in the system will allow auto-routing of tickets to the appropriate Vol State IT support teams, saving time and improving customer service responsiveness. 

  • Priority. TDX will provide a mechanism to assign priority based on impact and urgency to ensure tickets are addressed in the proper priority. 

  • Efficiency. TDX has many capabilities that will make processing technology tickets more efficient. For example, when creating a ticket for a Hardware Issue or any other request, the required data will be prompted for eliminating the back/forth communications. 

How soon will I see these benefits? 

  • It may take several months. The objective of this initial phase is not perfection. We realize it will be a little bumpy at the start, but as things smooth out and we are able to activate more functions and features of TDX the benefits will become much more visible. Having seen how other higher education institutions have implemented TDX reassures us that we are building a solid foundation for raising the bar on Vol State IT customer service. 

How will the new TeamDynamix system benefit me? 

  • The bottom line implementing TDX is to continue to raise the bar in providing great Vol State IT customer service to all of you. What does that look like? Better visibility of how we are working a ticket. Better communication of the status of your ticket and managed expectations. Working with all of the divisions to determine service metrics so that we are meeting and exceeding your expectations in customer service. 

What do you need from me? 

  • We need your understanding. Like any major software implementation that affects the entire campus community it will require adjusting to change. An organization only has so much capacity to absorb change, and we are trying to be mindful. Please know that our goal in this first phase is not perfection. We have aimed for the 80/20 rule – that we have hit the mark on 80% of the organizations needs and the rest will be more finely tuned as we hear from you.  Please be patient as there will no doubt be issues that come up and will be addressed just as promptly as we can. The good news about the system is that it is highly configurable and most changes can easily be done without software engineering support.

Where do I get more information and/or training on TeamDynamix? 

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