Setting Up a Recurring Zoom Meeting or Class

Tags zoom

Faculty can set up recurring zoom meetings each semester for routine class meetings or virtual office hours. By using a recurring meeting, you will have a single meeting ID and URL address for each scheduled meeting time. This saves set up time because you only have to do it once. It also helps participants know where to log in each time.

How to Set Up a Recurring Zoom Meeting

Step 1: Log In to the Zoom Web Application

From the web address, click the button "Login to Create/Edit Account."

screen shot of the Vol State Zoom web log in page

Step 2: Schedule a New Meeting

From the Meetings menu, click the button "Schedule a New Meeting."

screen shot of the Zoom meeting menu online

Step 3: Enter Meeting Details

Create the details of your recurring meeting. In the topic field, enter a descriptive title that you and your participants will be able to recognize. Set your first meeting date, time, and the meeting duration. Check the box to indicate that this is a recurring meeting. Select the frequency of recurrence, such as weekly. Check the boxes by day to indicate if the meeting meets once a week, twice a week, or more frequently. Finally, set the final meeting date.

screen shot of a recurring meeting detail setup, including topic, date, duration, and recurrance

Step 4: Complete the Meeting Setup Details

After setting up the recurrance details, be sure to scroll down the page to adjust the remaining setup options for your meeting. This includes whether registration is required (not recommended), initial video connection, audio options, and other meeting options. These settings can be edited later should you wish to make changes.

screen shot of Zoom meeting setting choices

Step 5: Save

Click the Save button to save your recurring meeting details.

Screen shot of buttons to save or cancel the meeting

View and Share Meeting Details

Upon saving a meeting in your Zoom web account, the meeting details will be displayed. You should copy the Meeting ID, Join URL, or other invitation details from the "copy the invitation link" and share the details with the people that you want to invite. For classes, you may paste these details into an eLearn Announcement, Calendar item, or Content page. You can also email the connection details to others.

screen shot of a sample Zoom meeting detail page

Connect with a Zoom Room

The steps in this article explain how to create a recurring meeting. Faculty members who are teaching a class over Zoom to a local high school or other Vol State Zoom Room should first follow the steps above to create their Zoom class each semester. Then go to your Zoom Desktop application to start each meeting session and connect to your assigned Zoom rooms. Step-by-step instructions are available in this article: Using Zoom's Desktop App to Run a Meeting.

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